Hello Everybody! I've begun planting my annuals. In this planter I've got some Supertunia Royal Velvet, Really Red Supertunias, two yellow marigolds and a spike planted.
I've got a Two tone orange Dahlia, a Prince Tut, Corkscrew Rush and a Creeping Jenny planted in here.
Here I've got some Rockin' Blue Suede Shoes Salvia and Diamond Snow Euphoriba. These salvia will get quite tall (30") so this will be interesting to see how it turns out. These were magnets for the hummingbirds last year so I'm excited to have them again.
I've got two Calliope Medium Scarlet Geraniums, two Limoncello Supertunias and a Prince Tut grass here. I'll update in a month or so as to how these are all looking.
This planter has a Sunfinity Sunflower centered and is surrounded by Sunrise Rose Lantana. Should be real pretty once the sunflowers start flowering! This type of sunflower branches out and get's quite full rather than a single stem.
Tulips! These have been blooming nearly two weeks! They are called Keizerskroon circa 1750! (Grand Duc or Emperors Crown) They've really made a good show and I can see why they've been around for so long! There are soft yellow daffodils and purple hyacinths also which smells so good!
This was a mixed package of tulips I ordered. They've all so pretty and came out and bloomed together which is perfect!
This one's like a rose!
These pink tulips really made their mark!
I think these were called Pink Impression
In this terracotta planter I've put two geraniums, one a Calliope Medium Deep Rose' a hot pink
and the other a Patriot Watermelon which is the red/orange color. I
planted two Wojo's Gem Vinca vines and two Superbena Stormburst (light
purple) plants.
This planter got a real vibrant mix. Centered is a Canna Lily that will
be yellow, a blue/white lobelia and a Hot Pink Calibrachoa.
More annuals to plant!
I'm going to try these Coleus around the hosta hill and fountain area. I always plant impatiens there but I thought it might be fun to switch up a bit!
Got my large galvanized planter filled up!
I've got pink Senorita Rosalita Cleome in the center which will get quite tall. Verbea called Vanessa Bicolor Purple, Superbells Honeyberry on the left side and white Calibrocha on the right side.
Next to it we inserted the shepards hook through the middle of the pot and I've planted New Guinea impatiens called Blushing Crimson all around the top of the planter.
On the shepards hooks I've got a pair of hanging baskets with Techno Upright Dark Blue Lobelia, Silver Nickel Vine Dichondra and in the center (which isn't blooming yet) is a Sonic Deep Purple New Guina Impatiens.
This one has Diamond Snow Euphobira, and two double Red impatiens by D.S.Cole, a Creeping Jenny and one white Browallia
BEAR- We had a little excitement for a couple of nights. A bear visited our bird feeder and climbed the post and knocked everything off.
You can see his claw marks at the bottom of the post.
Look at the white post, there's a bear climbing up on it!
I'm attaching a video we caught on our trail-cam but I don't know if it will work the way I did it.
Well that's all for now!