The sun is shining and as I came down the halllway I noticed it was highlighting my yellow roses! I popped in some pussy willows too!
A little bit of sunshine does a long way here!
I picked up a wreath from Home Goods that I like and put it on the inside of the door.
It's simple but one of those you can put just about anywhere! I was drawn to the black and white striped ribbon too!
On the other side of the door I already put up a spring wreath. I got it from JoAnn's (on-line) at discount, and in this case it looks better than their image! I wanted something noticeable from the outside and this one also has anemone's which are very early spring flowers!
Last Saturday I had a delivery. While he was backing out another driver coming down the road panicked and slid across the end of our driveway and hit the van straight in the middle. Everyone was okay but it sure did mess up her van.
This is a view from my neighbors house that she sent me. We were so lucky that they didn't run into our big blue spruce and missed the mailbox too! The police were directing traffic.
It's been in the upper 40's and the snow is really melting. They are predicting an early spring for us!
My son Ryan and Grandson Joey came for a week to visit so I was busy with that all week!
He's 4 and so rambunctious!
Grandpa took him for some sledding fun on the driveway! This was earlier in the week before we started melting down. Now the driveway is clear!
Inside another set of Amaryllis is blooming. I decided to plant more to have a continuation of the blooms!
These are called Purple Rain. They aren't purple but pretty just the same! You can see my Thanksgiving Cactus in the background is just about to put on a show too!
I like the veining they have. Perhaps that was the "rain" part to their name.
Happy New Week and welcome March!