Welcome to my Elegant Black & White Halloween. We adults can have fun too!
I've layered some black and white dishes with wild animal prints to jazz it up a bit! Elements of silver and gold appear too.
Daylight gently streams along the table though it won't be long before darkness takes over...
My center arrangement started with this sequened placemat I found at Home Goods. I've had the spider web placemats for some years.

Two dozen white roses add a touch of elgance to the centerpiece.
A little elegant boo from MacKenzie Childs, my splurge for the season.
The black and white votive is also a MacKenzie Childs piece from several years back. Notice it's outlined with gold and so are the wine glasses and napkin rings.
A chopped salad will be served and then a pot pie followed by sweet cherry cobbler with ice cream!
Ahh now the tone is set!
Thanks for joining me for my Elegant Black & White Halloween!