I created this wreath after seeing Mary's Patriotic Wreath from
Home Is Where The Boat Is. I fashioned it after hers but put my own twist to it.
The back of the house rarely gets wet so I hope it will be safe!
We moved the hanging planter over by the window so I could have room for the wreath. It's too deep and big for the door but I like it back here because this is the heart of my gardening. It's very overcast today forgive the darkness.
Browallia Endless Flirtation, Hypoestes Hippo White and Stained Glass Royalty Coleus
I found the watering can at Menards (very inexpsive) Menards is kind of like Home Depot
Found an old brass water nozzle in our supplies.
I wrapped chicken wire that came on a spool around the wreath along with this cabbage rose print that fit in nicely with what I was doing.
I attached some seed packets to the wreath like Mary did.
I hot glued the seed packets in place.
Found these gardening gloves with a similar aqua tone as the ribbon plus some yellow like the watering can. I hot glued them too.
I made up a bow which also hides the larger tie-wrap that's holding the hose to the wreath.
I bought everything right after I saw Mary's post which was the end of May but didn't get around to putting it together until now. 😀
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you liked this!