The giant elephant ears plant is living up to it's name! This is my first time ever growing one so I really didn't know what to expect.
Ok I measured the leaf and it's 30" from tip to tip! It's interesting to watch it grow. The rounded stem that you see below this leaf is starting to split open on the back side and a new leaf will emerge. Eventually the stem looks like the one in the background with more of a celery stalk shape. Each leaf stem is where the newest ones come from.
Last time I showed it- it barely had a start. You can see a bit of it sticking out in the center.
The straw flower plant (Bracteantha- Mohave Orange) is doing very well. The straw flowers have definitely taken over!
This was back in May when I planted it. An ornamental pepper plant is in the center.
The ornamental pepper is being crowded out. I may trim the straw flowers to create more space for it. I read up on them and technically they can be eaten but they say the flavor is very disappointing since these were cultivated to just be ornamental so we'll just enjoy looking at them!
Love this Calibrachoa (Superbells) "lemon slice" plant.
Planted in May
The nonstop Mocca orange begonias are getting larger all the time. I just love this color!
Back in May I put in three plants
I added another caladium. We stopped at a garden center and it was half off. It was sitting there all pretty all by it's lonesome so I "had" to take it home! 😉
The Deep Orange impatiens have gotten much larger. I always look forward to seeing them fill out.
In May- the hostas were barely up at that point.
The fountain area is always so quiet and relaxing. The algae has gotten away on us- we have to clean it every so often. A bit of water and bleach does the trick!
I put in these double white astilbe called “ Younique White” plants last year and they've come back very nicely.
Next to them on the left is another variety that has pink flowers but so far there's no sign of flowers. I may have to divide them.
The bicycle planter has taken off nicely. White wave petunias and "Brocade Wilhelm Langguth" geranium
This was in in May when I first planted it.
The Annabelle Hydrangeas are coming along nicely. Such a carefree plant- always comes back and puts on a show! The blooms will become larger as they continues to develop.
A month ago before the hydrangea took over!
I have a mischievous chipmunk that runs through tipping things and digging. I keep finding holes and landscape materials strewn about. Oh well I have to expect it!
This little plant is flowering the cutest little periwinkle flowers- love it! It's call Blue Star Creeper and should come back each year.
I picked up this little yellow flower/lantern set recently- too cute!
I relocated the potting shed. Don't you just want to shrink down and go inside!
I planted some zinnias that are popping up in-between the hydrangea flowers.
I recently showed you this new cottage that we created the roof for and then I found the other stone cottage at Michael's to add in.
I added some flowers yesterday to the window boxes. I hot glued them in so they won't fall out.
I dug these out from the big white planters in front of the garage. The purple superunias were covering them up so I gave them a new home. They've recovered from the transplant and should start filling out quickly.
At first it was a nice mix but after a while...
The purple took over- even more than what is shown here.

This planter turned out pretty crazy. The white wave petunia in the center has all but disappeared. The cabbage are blocking all the light.
I had it on the bistro table but it became too large so now it's on this pedestal. I think I'll dig out the white wave petunia and replant it. It's a little dark today as we are expecting rain.
This was it when I planted it- too bad I didn't realize just how big those plants would get!
As you can see the ornamental cabbage plant really got huge!
How innocent it was when I planted it!
Back in May
Unfortunately half of this waterfall begonia on this side got ill and I lost better than half of it. The other one on the left side held on fine so I do't know why that happened. I moved the watering can over here to make a nice accent.
Bandana Red Lantana and a Dracaena plant. The lantana blooms constantly- love it and so do the butterflies!
Planted in May in my favorite planter that was gifted to me from my hubby Dan last year.
My pink flower garden has been busy with various flowers blooming.
This is a Bee Balm (Mondara, Pardon My Pink). It smells so good- I really didn't expect that. I got it on sale at a garden center and it was very root bound so it should be happier now! That's a second bloom behind the lemon balm of a pink lupine that I was so tickled came back!
This was the first bloom at the end of June. I fell in love with it's soft pink color immediately when I spotted it at a garden center last year.
I also found a pair of these Pentas (lanceolata) plants on half off at the same place- I couldn't very well walk away from that- right?? Attracts butterflies, bees and hummingbirds!
Don't you love this color! These are Tiny Pearl Asiatic Lily
Well I better stop before you fall asleep! LOL
All of your flowers look beautiful, Liz! You certainly have created a grand showplace of masterflorals! I think I just created a new word! Lol! My flowers are really struggling. First it was too much rain and now it's not enough - the temps got too high, too soon. I'm having a time keeping them watered - the soil dries out too quickly. My hydrangeas sapped up all the rain and the blooms were so pretty, now the colors have faded because of the heat. Even the lawn looks like straw in places. And it's not just me - my neighbors are having the same problems!
ReplyDeleteOh wow, your garden and planters are all amazing. So beautiful.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly have a green thumb. Your yard is absolutely beautiful.
ReplyDeleteIt's all just breath taking!
ReplyDeleteWell, it's all just beautiful Liz! Your pots are amazing. Each day when I go out to water mine I find more plants dying. It's really been weird. I know it's hotter than usual, but I've never had this problem before. I'm sprinkling some Marigold seeds I have into the bare spots. Hoping they will come up and fill in. :) I had gorgeous Lupines at my previous home. I've tried them twice here and they never come back.
Absolutely beautiful Liz! I love how much all the flowers look in July. In August where I live, they start to get tired and spindly - but July is glorious! Your lantana is especially gorgeous. Jane
ReplyDeleteEverything is so pretty. Those elephant ears live up to their name. Wow they are gorgeous. I want to shrink down and live in your fairy garden. It is so pretty and fun for your little fairies to live there. Oh Liz so happy you are enjoying your gorgeous gardens this summer.
Liz, your flowers are absolutely beautiful! I love that you showed us May and now July! Everything is so healthy and lovely. What a difference a couple of months make! The fairy houses and gardens are so darling and magical as well. You are a wonderful designer, my friend. It is evident in your home and your gardens. ♥
ReplyDeleteSo many gorgeous flowers, Liz. They look great, are you spending much time watering? Here in Kentucky, we are watering daily. Love your Asiatic lilies! I haven't seen the pink bee balm before. Your elephant ears have done great. See you at your garden party on the 27th.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your beautiful gardens.
ReplyDeleteWe always enjoy visiting & reading all
about the plants. The fairy garden & hostas
are our favorite.
Those crazy chipmunks need a garden of their own.
xo Astro and Mitzie
So much beauty to feast my eyes on this morning Liz and I so envy all your lush shade in this summer heat! I bet that chipmunk thinks your fairy garden was built just for him :) I have some blue star creeper planted between my stepping stones. It's a looking a little stressed right now in the heat but it looks great every spring.
ReplyDeleteYour garden is simply gorgeous. I am so envious of your shade. I grew the orange inpatiens when we lived in Virginia and yours reminded me of them. You have a lovely variety of plants in your garden. It was so nice to visit you.
ReplyDeleteHi Liz, I always love your garden tours! I really like seeing the comparisons that show how the plants have matured. Everything looks so beautiful! Happy gardening!
ReplyDeleteYour garden is so lush and beautiful!
ReplyDeleteLiz, your garden is definitely putting on a show, I am a little envious of your shade. I love using pots for three different plants, but I always have one that overtakes the entire pot. I have tried all kinds of combinations and it always happens. Your pentas is doing well. They have always done well for me until this year, sometimes I think there are just some bad plants. I loved strolling through all of your garden’s beauty. I know the hard work involved and yours has definitely paid off. Thank you for sharing at Gardens Galore.
ReplyDeleteLiz, I'm suffering from serious garden envy! Everywhere I look are lovely flowers, interesting shapes and imaginative combinations. I could spend days in your garden!
ReplyDeleteLiz, I enjoyed your before and after photos. You must feed your plants well because they are so lush and healthy.What an amazing elephant ear? It is huge and is a showstopper as the focal point in your urn of impatiens. I have gotten several new ideas from you today. I want to try some white astilble in my garden. What do you feed your hostas? Mine come up but are not large and healthy like yours and have not multiplied.
ReplyDeleteIt's always fun to see your fairy garden and your gorgeous Annabelles.
You have a green thumb for sure.
I know when I come see your garden, it will be so pretty! I just love the way you have it landscaped with the trees behind you and so many pretty plants. So talented, Liz!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, this is the most beautiful garden I've ever seen on blogland dear friend ! Congratulations, you sure have very talented hands, you have created this loveliness of a landscape, flowers and trees.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your Summer garden.
I completely forgot about planting astilbe under those shad trees out back!!! Doggone it! That would be perfect! year. It's on the list! The white is so pretty! I don't think I've ever seen it in white anywhere before. Yours is lush and gorgeous! DId you have to order it, or were you able to find it local? The brilliant orange is just incredible! I'll bet astronauts can see it from outer space!!! I love how your elephant ears have grown!!!!!! Oh, my goodness! So do you just whack off the ears in the fall and keep the bulb to be planted again next year, or what?
ReplyDeleteWow, Liz! Your plants love their environs, no doubt about it! Our state capitol building grounds have the elephant ears planted on the boulevard alongside the river with lantana and another plant (can't remember right now) beneath. They're so pretty and HUGE! They really make a statement. I usually plant pentas in my containers, but made them different this year. Sometimes the surprises we get are great and sometimes just things we tolerate for the season and don't necessarily want to repeat, right? One of my braided hibiscus was infested with spider mites (unbeknownst to me at the time), so I've spent a good bit of effort trying to keep it healthy. Seems it then had thrips (didn't know what they were until I kept googling). It's ok now, but needy! Like you, I love anything that attracts the hummers, butterflies. Your shade garden is really spectacular. I love all the color and texture.