Welcome to the June "Garden Party"
My Gardens Are In The Pink!
Last week my peonies were in their glory (or my glory anyway!).
It's not only a beautifuly fragranced flower but also a pretty one!
The white is absolutely the most delicious fragrance of them all!
We were gone for a bit and the grass grew like crazy. The peonies are pretty much done and now the Max Frei Cranesbill or Hardy Geraniums are in full bloom.
Just left of the peonies is a tall Limelight Hydrangea with a skirt of pink blooming spirea. They were so tiny when I first put them there and now they are really big!
I tried to capture the bumble bee that was buzzing about (he's just off center on the pink flower) but he was moving so furiously I couldn't get a good focus.
Over by the fireplace where we planted the new Japanese Maple last year it's coming along beautifully and so are the double knock out roses. I gave them some fertilizer a few weeks ago and they are really growing!
Well these aren't exactly pink but I couldn't resist showing them!
In front of the bedroom are more spirea that are blooming in pink too. I know for sure the two larger ones are called Lemon Princess spirea but I'm not sure what the center one is. Everything needs a trim and as soon as they're done blooming I'll shape them up.
Around the side are the astilbe I planted a few weeks back and they're blooming nicely now.
They're supposed to be red but so far are just a strong pink. Perhaps they'll shift color as the flower matures.
Lets head out back. Along the pathway to the patio is a Goldflame spirea blooming. The leaves on these change color as the season moves along and in the fall they get a coppery orange tone to them.
Opposite of that is the "Little Princess" spirea. I've learned that spirea are a reliable plant up here so I've invested in a bunch of them.
Another angle of it.
The old wagon with pink begonia flowers has filled out nicely.
This perennial pops up reliably each year and I love watching it change as it grows.
Astrantia (Great Masterwort) Star of fire.
There's a soft pink astilbe beginning to bloom on the right but it's not very noticeable yet.
Last year I planted the Cleome (SeƱorita Rosalita) in the garden bed but this year I decided to try one in the flower pot. I'm loving how well it's doing. Super carefree plant.
These are "Tiny Pearl" asiatic lilies
Queen Elizabeth Grandiflora Rose. My first bloom this season.
Dianthus- great reliable perennial. If you shear off the flowers they'll bloom again.
This is a pink version of Veronica (Speedwell) which I just added to my pink garden.
An evening shot of the pink garden. Still more pink to come!
Thank you for visiting and I hope you are joining our
Garden Party which is hosted by 5 of us.
You'll find the link below.