I've already lit the candles in my pumpkin luminaries!
Sorry these aren't better- I used my cell phone.
The leaves have been piling up. There will be plenty more to come!
I didn't carve any pumpkins just used my luminaries!
I turned on the patio lights. The big maple is glowing. It's a super pleasant evening.
We went downtown to an area where the older homes are here in Traverse City. Sixth Street is a very popular place on Halloween night! Most everyone on this street really does it up!
How cool is this!
So creative!
If you look on the porch walls of the house you can see some creepy pictures they hung.
This house played homage to the Day of the Dead
Isn't this fun!
Look to the right side of this picture. A witch is suspended between two houses. The wind was blowing and she kept disappearing and reappearing- it was perfect!
This is a grand home with a wonderful porch.
At Christmas it's so picturesque.
Love the big display of orange lights, pumpkins and ghosts!
This was awesome. Notice the big dragon on the top of the roof above the porch. The wings were opening and closing and the wind was making the ghosts below fly! It was perfect!
I love this display- they always do a great job. The skeletons in the wagon are so fun! The house is also decorated to the side but I didn't capture any pictures.
Happy Halloween!