Last Friday I loaded up a couple of boxes full of some of my Easter decorations and foodie items and we headed downstate to my Mom's for Easter.
The day before was my birthday and my friend Linda from "Life and Linda" had sent me this centerpiece arrangement so I held it up for a picture. Thank you again Linda!
A visit to my Mom's has to include going to my favorite garden center on Saturday. The temps were comfortable with plenty of sunshine too! This was a display near the entrance with pansies and forsythia shrubs ready to burst with color! That's a weeping pussy willow on the right.
I picked up two Easter Lilies for my Mom. I made that Bunny arrangement on the stereo cabinet for Mom several years ago. She keeps it out year round.
Flowers for Mom "post"
That evening Dan and I had dinner at a favorite Italian restaurant and topped it off with a cream cheese cake that they caramelized and it reminded me of Creme Brûlée.
We went outside and were greeted to a beautiful evening- just a tad crisp but the air felt clear and refreshing. The evening sky was gorgeous and I got a chance to visit Williams Sonoma and Pottery Barn.
Easter morning I was up and at it early. I made the potato salad and had it in the fridge before 9 a.m. This year our plan was for baked beans, potato salad, mandarin salad, a fresh vege plate, dinner rolls, punch and dessert.
I set up the dining table with an arrangement of things I brought from home. Some of you who follow me may remember the little baskets I put together as shown "here". They ended up working quite well for the arrangement.
I had this combo of yellow and deep pink colors in mind for my color scheme. On a return trip to Pier 1 I spotted these paper plates and napkins and decided to use them since they had the right colors too.
A while back I spotted this egg platter at T.J. Maxx. My niece always makes deviled eggs so we loaded it with them when she arrived.
I also discovered these cute little carrots at Pier 1. I placed them around on each layer with the bunnies.
I also picked up these decorated eggs and ended up hanging them on the different tiers of the display stand.
The candle votives came from Pier 1 a couple of years ago and Mr. Bunny with the cart was also from a few years back.
After I took these pictures I added more place settings but I had to add green placemats and different white plates. We had 10 at the table and 4 more sitting elsewhere with tv trays.
My niece Katie and her daughter Audra. She's the only little one in the family right now and she's a little darling!
I use the kitchen table for buffet serving. This was a bit before all the rest of the food arrived and was placed. I brought 2 dozen frosted butter cookies that were gobbled up quickly. Everyone was hungry and one of my sister's is notoriously late so we were hungry! She recently had knee surgery so we couldn't complain.
There was a misunderstanding and two of us made potato salad. My niece (who's our jokester) quickly tossed together this "Make Potato Salad Great Again - You decide A or B" voting ballot. LOL… Let's just say there was a lot of leftover potato salad!
Sister Jen made this cake up. I believe she saw the image on Pinterest and used the inspiration for hers. It was a homemade double chocolate cake and delicious!
Can you see the little yellow easter bunnies on the left and right. They're made of butter! I saw them at the store and brought them along too.
A candid shot at the table later on. John, Jen and Donna
A few minutes after I finished eating I went to help in the kitchen and the front panel of the silverware drawer fell off and landed on my big toe. It was a bizarre moment and made for a strange end to the day. Sorry my feet aren't delicate and groomed! I am very lucky it didn't break the toe. It landed at the edge of the nail and left a gash but it's going to be ok.
Monday morning I put the table back together like it normally is. I left the baskets down with Mom. It's good to be back home but now I have to package up the Easter decorations. Time to pay homage to spring!