Autumn has firmly placed it's grip on us.
I've cleared away my annual flowers and have stored things in the garage for winter.
We'll tuck away the lanterns and cover up the cement planters so they won't crack.
By February this back yard will be 2 to 3 ft. deep with snow.
The Japanese Maples are always a treat to see. Their gorgeous red color plays off nicely against the warm browns and golds.
The perennials are done and ready for their winter nap.
The mums are hardy and can take the morning frosts. It's 36 deg. out as I shot these pictures.
This mum is heavily laden with frost but it will perk up in a few hours.
These wax begonias seem to keep going and going but this recent frost may be the end.
Dan blew extra leaves up around my arrangement as opposed to blowing them away as I showed in my first post about this arrangement
"here". Perhaps too many but I'm not complaining! The squirrels are beginning to eat away at the gourds so as soon as Halloween is over with I'm going to have to put these out back for the critters to enjoy and what they don't eat will become compost.
We went for a ride the other day for some fall color touring since Dan had a break in his work load. Unfortunately the skies started clouding up as rain was approaching. I didn't like any pictures I took but I'll share this one because I loved how the corn field looked with the trees in the background.
It feels like November already. My mind is now thinking about Thanksgiving!