I couldn't leave well enough alone- I had to plant something!!
November 10th |
I planted some Amaryllis. One is called Magic Green and the other is called Wedding Dance
November 22 |
These bulbs took off growing like they were on steroids!
December 7 |
I put everything near the sliding glass window to catch the morning sun. The Magic Green is now 36" tall! My Christmas Cactus decided to join the fun too and is budding out!
Dec. 10 |
The flowers opened fast
They have a soft yellowish green to ivory coloring
with burgundy accents
As they age they get lighter in color and look more ivory
With the sun cast on it the Magic Green really looks yellowish/green. The white Wedding Dance one started blooming promptly
I love this one- the flowers are huge- 8" across and have this pretty lime green center and a wonderful textured petal. This one is described as being from Africa
Dec. 18 |
The Magic Green is all done blooming but the the Wedding Dance Amaryllis is in full bloom. The Christmas Cactus are blooming nicely. That's a seed ball on the right that's going out to the birds soon.
I decided to set it on the hearth. I've been reluctant to put anything fragile there because of our 7 month old kitten that can be a bit rambunctious!
I wish winter was sunny like this more often! We were under the "gray dome" for days. Snow has come and gone 3 times. I think this might stay through Christmas- let's hope! So far this winter is nothing like last year- thankfully! We had 70" of snow by the same time last year and were experiencing sub-zero temps. It was a brutal winter!
I hope you are relaxing and enjoying the holiday season!