October 31, 2014
October 30, 2014
Halloween Fun Fest 2014
I had some fun with Halloween this year. I didn't think I'd be doing as much as I did but I enjoyed it.
I started out with a tablescape called Boo as seen "here"
I made this tablescape up with children in mind and made sure it was loaded with fun colors and some fun things like creepy spiders!
I added some Halloween to my deck as seen "here"
The Olde Salem Broom Co. has been making sure there are plenty of brooms for the witches on Halloween!
Next I created another tablescape called Crystal Skull Rockin Party! as seen "here"
This one was not for the squeamish!
Creepy hands, spiders, skeletons and a scary baby's head in the cloche!
My final Halloween fun fest I posted about was " here " called
Welcome to the Witches' Ball!
I called out all the ghouls for this one!
I guess I'm a big kid at heart! I enjoyed putting this all together.
I appreciate those of you who have followed and commented and if you missed one of these please click on the links above marked "here" and they'll take you right there!
A heavy frost cast a neat texture on the witch hat!

October 27, 2014
Welcome to the Witches' Ball!
Welcome to the Witches' Ball!
Winnie, Granny and SkellNancy invite you to attend but...
enter only if you dare!
Witches and goblins will attend...
Pumpkins will light the path...
spiders and haunting eyes will follow you!
They'll all have a devilishly good time under the canopy tonight...
Some will hangout to watch the festivities!
Please place your invitations on the tray...
(I jazzed her hat up and gave her some hair)
(This is a three tier plant stand with freaky fabric netting creating the party canopy with purple lights and small pumpkins in the interior.)
Keep your eyes and ears open as you mill about...this threesome have been known to boil up a stew with ingredients made with things like you!
It's going to be a great night at the Witches' Ball....I'm sure you agree!!
Witches Ball banner from Kathy's Etsy shop who blogs at Creative Home Expressions
I'm joining
Between Naps on the Porch for
A Stroll Thru Life for
Inspire Me Tuesday
Inspire Me Tuesday
Our Home Away From Home
Ivy and Elephants for
What's It Wednesday

Posted by
Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz
Freaky Fabric netting
Michael's Lace cape
Michael's spiders
Michael's witch hat
Witches Ball
October 23, 2014
Last of the season!
Fall greetings!
I went out this morning and snapped a bunch of pictures. Everything is pretty much done and I need to finish up putting things away for the season. We had so much rain for a couple of weeks that nothing got done outside. We had a hard frost two nights ago- it got down to 25. Only a few flowering plants are still hanging in there.
These pretty hot pink hydrangeas have finally started to shift color and are done.
I've go to fish out all the little fairy garden pieces and put them away, otherwise the heavy snow will ruin them all.
Looking down the garden path you can see the beautiful Japanese maple tree contrasting so beautifully with the yellows and rusty tones of fall.
Isn't this cute- the brilliant red leaves are sticking to the foxtail fern. Some of them are so brilliant in color they don't look real but I assure you they are!
I'd love to bring these ferns in but seriously I don't have a good place to keep them growing.
The fountain is still running but…
barely since it's loaded with leaves. This will be shut down this coming weekend when we begin the final clean up.
Up until a couple of days ago these begonias were still going strong…but alas they've succumbed to that hard frost.
This is another Japanese maple that is beautiful this year. Some years are better than others!
This fairy garden is ready to rest too.
The ferns are all done and headed off for their winter nap.
We have an abundance of acorns this year. I literally slipped on them and nearly fell as I walked down the little hill.
Making my way around the south side of the house another Japanese maple contrasts so nicely with the big blue spruce tree. You can see that this area is primarily loaded with oak leaves.
Looking back the other direction- love seeing the sun shining through the trees and the leaves glowing. I sure wish it would last a lot longer!
The island still has some green plants. I think the big spruce tree shields them.
Near the garage you can see a mix of ash and maple leaves here. They've filled my fall planter display up too!
Talk about hard core! These mini Black Eyed Susan's are still blooming!
So are these Foxgloves. I had no idea they were such a sturdy plant! The Autumn Joy Sedum still looks nice too!
The bird bath has a fine layer of ice still on it.
Another fairy garden ready to sleep. I cut and trimmed a lot of this away a few weeks ago. It had gone wild and all the fairies and accents disappeared into the plants.
Some more diehards.
Just three days ago- you can see the trees still had most of their leaves yet.
I'm enjoying the daily view- taking pictures to remember!
How are you doing this fall? All ready for the next season?