August 31, 2012
Come sit with me in my garden!
As my blog title says....
Come sit with me in my garden...
You can enjoy listening to the birds, watch the squirrels and chipmunks play and I can even have music playing!
Let's dine and have some tea!
What's that you say?
We are too far apart to visit each other?
Well, I guess we will just have to continue our visits
through our blogs!
Let's meander on...
I love these Begonias
I've decided that begonias are a good investment plant!
Just don't let them sit around in too much water...they don't like that! This year I wanted some really bright rich summery colors and I think I achieved that! The impatiens are a good investment plant too- little fuss and they fill in nicely!
Have you ever seen this little vine plant? Mine relocated over here and keeps growing out onto the patio. I don't know what it's called since I lost the tag.
It has these sweet dainty flowers!
Out front....
I'm still enjoying this Rose of Sharon shrub. It
really filled out a lot more since I posted about it
a week ago.
Such a pretty flower....you wouldn't know it's beauty unless you got up close enough to see it!
Russian Sage
I'm playing with different settings on my camera trying to be more creative!
We planted this pepper plant in June and a tomato plant. The tomato plant has lost it's leaves and still has some fruit but it's pretty pathetic looking so I won't even show it! It was called an Early Girl....perhaps the early part is because it poops out very early!!
Just beside the area of the peppers are the cannas which just started to bloom...it took all summer which disappointed me. I bought 9 of them at a big box store and they are supposed to be red.... as you can see they aren't!
They are pretty- a very tropical looking orange color...
What's this?
Well look what just drove by! This is the 2nd load of hay I saw today. It's value is like gold these days...there is going to be a big shortage of it this year and a lot of farmers are going to sell their livestock off because they can't feed them.
Back to the morning glories....
They are coming on nicely. Today we were witnessing them open as we sat and had our morning coffee....
Nature sure knows how to creative loveliness!
One day wonders!
By the way...
Did I ever show you the silly Turkey that was visiting back in June. She was filling her self up eating birdseed off the ground and then she decided to jump up on my little bird bath to get a drink! I was sitting on the deck and had my iPhone so I moved closer to the edge to take a video of her. She knew I was there and wasn't quite sure she liked it so
I had to be very quiet!
Thank-you for visiting and sharing my gardens this summer! I'm sure there will be more to share but fall is fast approaching!

Posted by
Linda @ Life and Linda
Campania Palazzo Garden Fountain
Canna lilies
Heavenly Blue Morning Glories
August 30, 2012
French Rustic Fleur-de-Lis
I was given very short notice of a mini business dinner meeting my husband sprung on me today. I needed to do a quick clean up around the house, but before that I wanted to get the table ready so I could focus on what I needed to do.
I just finished a craft project which is the burlap wrapped vase shown in the center here. I rambled through some of my candlesticks and decided on these.
I used my new mirrored tray to add a little glam and reflection. I chose a mix of mercury glass and the rustic finish on the candle holders to go with the burlap wrapped vase that I topped with a boxwood ball.
Not too much fuss here, but the Fleur-de-lis Coffee mugs worked beautifully with these scroll designed dishes. The olive green napkins pulled on the centerpiece colors and the hint of green that's in the dish pattern. I kept the neutral tones going with the off white flatware.
These people love their coffee so I will be serving plenty of that and if they want some wine the stemware will come into play or I will simply use them for water!
After Some quick menu planning, I've decided on a Chopped Salad,
Baked Zitti and Ciabtta Bread.
I do believe I'm ready.... now off to finish my prepping!
Dishes by Noble Excellence called Sugar Plum (Dillards)
Flatware called Sophia (Neiman Marcus/Horchow)
Stemware from T.J. Maxx
Fleur-de-lis coffee mugs made by Evergreen, pattern name simply says "B" -from One Kings Lane
Candle holders from One Kings Lane
I'm joining
Between Naps on the Porch for
Cuisine Kathleen for

Posted by
Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz
Fleur-de-lis dishes
Horchow Sophia
One King's Lane
Sophia flatware
Sugar Plum
August 29, 2012
My Version- French Fabric Wrapped Vase
Well I got myself right onto making this project that I posted about the other day. Here is the picture of the vase I decided to replicate.
A quick trip to JoAnn's and I found some burlap
printed fabric.
I hadn't used Mod Podge since the 70's so I did a little reading up on it and found some simple directions and I decided I could handle.
That's my vinyl tablecloth I use for my projects!
Here it is drying. I folded the edges to the inside and I created a seam on the back by folding in it's edge.
The print is a bit more bold than the one I found that I had decided to replicate, but I wasn't
concerned that it was a precise match.
I also put some Mod Podge on the jute twine to keep it from moving around and the ends from fraying.
This morning I set it up on the kitchen table in a
little vignette. The sun came through and
played a roll in it too!
I tried some dried hydrangeas in it but it didn't do much for me so I decided to put this
topiary ball on top of it.
So there you have it!
I'm joining
Between Naps on the Porch for
Metamorphosis Monday
Stonegable for
Tutorial Tips and TidBits
I'm joining
Between Naps on the Porch for
Metamorphosis Monday
Stonegable for
Tutorial Tips and TidBits

Posted by
Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz
French fabric
summer project
August 28, 2012
Morning Glories and Sunshine
The morning glory vines are finally blooming...although not prolifically, more like sporadically, but just the same they are blooming!
A few shots through the week...
Lacing their way up the arbor they've mingled nicely with the Sweet Autumn Clematis- which should be blooming soon!
Heavenly Blue is my favorite variety of Morning Glories. I've always enjoyed their pretty blue flowers and their large heart shaped leaves. Mine need more sun for more blooms, but I'm happy to see what I've got!
The Morning Glory
Author: Jared Barhite
The sunshine seems much brighter,
And the heart is ever lighter,
When the rays of sweet Aurora
Gild the radiant morning glory
With a splendor, such as heaven
To few favorites has given
Among the beautiful rare flowers.
So plant these seeds with care,
In a place well-chosen, where
The first rays of the morning
May kiss their bright adorning,
And teach your heart to see
The beauties there may be
In the early morning hours.
When the rays of sweet Aurora
Gild the radiant morning glory
With a splendor, such as heaven
To few favorites has given
Among the beautiful rare flowers.
So plant these seeds with care,
In a place well-chosen, where
The first rays of the morning
May kiss their bright adorning,
And teach your heart to see
The beauties there may be
In the early morning hours.
As John Denver sang...Sunshine on My Shoulders Makes Me Happy
As always thanks for visiting and sharing my love for flowers!

August 27, 2012
French Fabric Wrapped Vase
I saw this French printed fabric wrapped vase at Michael's and it intrigued me!
It's simplicity attracted me and with fall coming on and lots of dried grasses and flowers as possibilities-
I'm thinking it would would look charming decorated that way.
They folded the top edges in so it would have a nice finished look. They probably used some kind of spray adhesive but I'm thinking that mod-podge might do the job too!
I thought of how easy this would be to make but the fabric with the words on it would be the challenge. I wonder if there is some pre-printed fabric at JoAnn's or such?
I decided I'd share this just for the fun of it and perhaps it may inspire someone else for a project!
I think I'll make a trip to JoAnn's and see what they have! I already own a couple of those cylinder shaped vases so I'm half way there!
I'm joining BNOTP
Metamorphosis Monday
I'm joining BNOTP
Metamorphosis Monday

August 25, 2012
Molasses saves the day!
The other day I decided to make homemade chocolate chip cookies.
Once I started gathering my ingredients I realized I had run out of light brown sugar. I didn't want to run to the grocery store and was going to trash the idea. Then I remembered reading that you can make your own!
So I Googled it and sure enough there were lots recipes for making your own light and dark brown sugar. I didn't think to look it up in my cookbook but it's probably there too!
I used my mini chopper to spin the sugar and molasses together. It worked quite well! You could smell the molasses but it didn't taste any different.
The recipe I used was right off the package of Ghirardelli's semi-sweet
chocolate chips package. I also used the same mini chopper to chop up the pecans for the recipe.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
4 dozen cookies
11 1/2 ounces Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1 cup butter or margarine, softened
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 1/4 cups unsifted flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup walnuts or pecans, chopped (optional)
1 cup butter or margarine, softened
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
2 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 1/4 cups unsifted flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup walnuts or pecans, chopped (optional)
Heat oven to 375ºF.
Stir flour with baking soda and salt; set aside. In large mixing bowl, beat butter with sugar and brown sugar at medium speed until creamy and lightened in color. Add eggs and vanilla, one at a time. Mix on low speed until incorporated. Gradually blend dry mixture into creamed mixture. Stir in nuts and chocolate chips. Drop by tablespoon onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown.
They turned out a little flatter than I wanted (the kitchen was very warm- I think if I had put the batch in the fridge for a half hour it would have made a difference) but the taste is great- I put 1/2 of them into a the freezer. This way they won't go stale and I might think twice about eating yet another one! HA!
I'm the original cookie monster!
This should put a smile on your face!
Have a great day!

August 23, 2012
A walk around the yard....
Well finally... my Rose of Sharon
(Althea, Hibiscus Syriacus) is blooming!
It's certainly taken it's time this year to bloom! Actually I am glad to know it's alive and seeing it bloom was a nod to the fact that I didn't kill it last year when I gave it quite a cutting back! There are a lot of buds yet to open but they are all facing the neighbors house! I figured I better take a picture before I forget to!
You'll notice the bumble bee was visiting too! The flowers are a purplish blue double bloom.
Such a pretty flower...
Now on to some random shots
These Black Eyed Susan's haven't amounted to much this year. They seem shorter than normal too...
The Stella D'Oro lilies are blooming again, but of course not as prolifically as the first time.
Some more Delphinium
The Yarrow and Coreposis are still blooming
The Russian Sage has a very wild look to it this year. I think they prefer to be planted in a spot where they can be on their own. At least is smells good!
The Sweet Alyssum that returned from last year has filled in nicely
Smells good too! We have leaves dropping here and there....the fall season won't be long!
On the deck...I am awarding myself the "ugliest potted plant" award...this Sweet Potato Vine has been polite enough to produce flowers but I can't say that I
enjoyed the plant.
Very mixed about my plants I chose this year. I need a better plan next year!
Let's wander to the back...
The arbor has Sweet Autumn Clematis...no blooms yet...and Morning Glories growing with no flowers too! What gives??
Along the path some hostas with unusual flowers!
The shade in the back yard provides a great environment for these plants
I only fertilized once this late spring with the Flower Tone and Plant Tone and the annuals
got a sprinkling of Osmocote as they were planted.
got a sprinkling of Osmocote as they were planted.
The always reliable Impatiens make a great display...the Golden Japanese Forest Grass, Hakonechloa "Aureola" gracefully lay along the stone wall...
Lastly, my planters in front of the garage took off rather wildly! The Sweet PotatoVine really got a run on and has just about taken over! I do like the red Supertunias...they made a good show.
One of the bloggers I follow Cabin & Cottage left this sentiment on a beautiful post she did- it grabbed my heart strings and expressed my sentiment!
With her permission I'm sharing it...
(please click the link to see her beautiful post!)
When the season finally changes, it will be sweet and a bit sad. I will want to hold summer tightly for a moment as you do with a loved one when you wish you could stay forever. Already waiting, though not idly, until the next time you meet. . . .
Thanks for visiting!
I'm joining
Fishtail Cottage for
Garden Party #17
Today's Flowers

Posted by
Linda @ Life and Linda
Black eyed susans
Hibiscus Syriacus
Rose of Sharon
Russian Sage
Stella D'Oro
Sweet Alyssum