Can you say "Kalanchoe" !! LOL....
I picked these up during out Easter visit at the local nursery that I have to always visit when we go home to Rochester.
I was smitten with them the minute I saw them at the nursery. I just transplanted them into the cute pottery pieces I got there too.
They are a type of succulent and popular because of their long lasting flowers. These look the same as they did when I got them a few weeks ago.
The Christmas Cactus is still blooming and I need to transplant it too. I gave the Baby Tears plant a severe haircut recently. I plan to split it up into several plants when I take it outside for the summer. I'll take the Cyclamen outside too and see how it does!
My daffodils along the path to the back patio are blooming. We had rain all night which will perk everything up!
These Jack Frost Brunnera are blooming now and I love them because they bloom for a very long time and the plant continues to grow so you get a great display! Mine lasted a month last year!
I swear I got all the oak leaves out and yet I see more that I missed! You can see some of the Hosta coming up in the background.
This Sweet Woodruff has flowers and should be making a nice display soon. It's been bitten a bit from the frosts too.
These violas are so sweet. They pop up every so often in a new place like this one did! I just looked at some photo's from last year and I was at this point with plants in the middle of May! We are definitely ahead of our normal growing season!
We haven't started the fountain yet or even uncovered the garden benches. I spent yesterday cleaning up some of the beds and bringing out some of my pottery and garden ornamentation.
It's a bit chilly today so I think I'll stay indoors!
Hope you are having a great day!