December 24, 2011
December 20, 2011
Poinsettias and Christmas
Feliz Navidad!
I was curious about why the Poinsettia
has become so customary to have at
Christmas time (at least in the U.S. it is).
I don't know what other countries
do for their holiday decorating but the
Poinsettia is definitely a favorite around
Christmas here in the U.S.
This year I picked out three small
plants and put them in the basket so
it would look like one larger one!
This one is called Jingle Bells-
a particular favorite of mine!
As I said before I was curious about the
reason for the poinsettia becoming a
tradition and so I looked it up and
this is what I found:
"The holiday's connection to the poinsettia originated with a Mexican legend. With nothing to give to the Christ Child, a youngster picked a bouquet of weeds as an offering. As the gift was presented, the weeds transformed into brilliant red blooms. Since then, the plant is known in Mexico as Flores de Noche Buena (Flowers of the Holy Night), or just nochebuena for short. The poinsettia's red "flowers" aren't actual flowers. They're bracts (modified leaves), and the little yellow centers are the flowers."
They don't like to get too cold and
they are definitely not hardy to the
freezing temperatures.
I'm pleased to show you that my
Amaryllis really grew and it looks
like I am going to have a bloom
for Christmas!
The other identical one has leaves but
no flower coming yet. I guess that
will be a couple more weeks away!
My Christmas Cactus has just finished
blooming but there are a new set
of buds coming on it so I'm pleased
to see that!
I'll have to read up on this again.
It seems to me that sometime next
fall I have to put it in a cool, dark room
for a while so it will promote it
to bloom again? Something like that.
Well everybody I hope you're not
getting stir crazy already! It's hard
to go from being outdoors in the garden
and doing yard work to being indoors so
much of the time.
I'll bet you are all plotting your
next dig in the spring!!
Take care and have a
Very Merry Christmas!
Peace, Love, and Joy to All!

Posted by
Linda @ Life and Linda
Christmas Cactus
Feliz Navidad
Happy Christmas
Jingle Bells Poinsettia
Merry Christmas
Felize Navidad and Poinsettias
Felize Navidad
which means
which means
Happy Christmas
or as we say
Merry Christmas!
or as we say
Merry Christmas!
Since the Poinsettia was the focal point of my tablescape I got to wondering how the Poinsettia became attached to the Christmas holiday. This is what I learned-
"The holiday's connection to the poinsettia originated with a Mexican legend. With nothing to give to the Christ Child, a youngster picked a bouquet of weeds as an offering. As the gift was presented, the weeds transformed into brilliant red blooms. Since then, the plant is known in Mexico as Flores de Noche Buena (Flowers of the Holy Night), or just nochebuena for short. The poinsettia's red "flowers" aren't actual flowers. They're bracts (modified leaves), and the little yellow centers are the flowers."
I'm featuring my poinsettias both in a
live plant and in my dishes.
While I was preparing this table my radio was playing
"I'll Be Home For Christmas"
which I thought was
quite poignant since I will be
doing just that
(heading to my Mom's)
and I was feeling sentimental about wishing my kids were going to be home for Christmas.
I've added music to the blog with the song today so you can
listen and share my feelings as I was preparing this table.
listen and share my feelings as I was preparing this table.
(just click the large button to pause if you don't want to listen or mute your own sound)
This Santa boots are for candles but they ended up being salt and pepper shaker holders! After I stared at them a while I realized the shape of the S & P Shakers
remind me of an old fashioned Christmas bulb!
These poinsettia plates had to be a
part of this table setting.
I wrapped the napkin and fork with a piece of wired ribbon- a little flair but easy to remove too!
I loved the sparkles on these napkins and had to have them!
I love sparkly things and red! (Can you tell?)
Chirp wanted to be included too!
I added a few ornaments to the basket to jazz it up a bit!
We do have some snow out there,
not much, but enough to make it feel like Christmas.
I loved those red spiral glasses the minute
I saw them- I got the wine glasses too!
Thank-you for joining me.
I hope your tables will be full of food
and lots of love to go around- Cheers!
and lots of love to go around- Cheers!
Wishing you all a very
Merry Christmas!
Sentimentally yours,
Featured items on the table:
Poinsettia dishes by Maxcera called Honey Poinsettia (Home Goods)
Striped dishes from Pier 1 Imports
Red striped glasses from Younkers (Bon Ton )
Red coffee cups are from Dillards by Noble Excellence, called Candy Apple Red
Flatware from Neiman Marcus or Horchow called Sophia
Napkins from Pier 1 Imports
White Boots from Pier 1 Imports
Glitter candle holders from a gift shop
Red and white votive candles from Pier 1 Imports- Called Peppermint Creme

Posted by
Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz
Bon Ton
Neiman Marcus
Noble Excellence
Sophia flatware
Holiday Wrap Up!
Are you all about done yet?
I just need to wrap some gifts.
I thought I'd put together a walk through
the house with some pictures you've
seen and maybe some you haven't.
My kitchen tree with cupcakes, ice cream cones, candy canes, milk shakes, mini kitchen tools and more!
My three chefs are there to
make sure I'm doing
things right!
I swear I heard them singing
the other night too!
I put three small poinsettias in this basket
which made for a nice centerpiece
for everyday.
My kitchen table chandelier.
I have a wreath mounted upside
down with ornaments and ribbon
added for decoration.
My chest of drawers with
some small village pieces.
This little battery operated cutie
turned out to be a surprise!
It constantly changes the colors
inside the houses !
This is a neat piece too! The
tree turns and there are carolers
and a nativity scene. Soft
lights make it cozy like a
silent night.
Just to the left of the door
is my burlap covered round
table dressed up with my
Santos Cage Doll and the
three white dove finials
that were a gift by a friend
last year!
My pencil tree fits in
This tree is set up with
a woodland theme with
birds and berries
Directly behind is my dining table.
It sets in the area that used to be
our living room before we added
on in 1996
And just to the right of this table
is the living room.
This wood top is a transition
area to the living room. On one
side are built in cabinets for the
stereo and surround sound equipment.
And on to the living room fireplace
mantel. It is the focal point when
you enter the home or are viewing
from the kitchen or dining areas.
My Italianate styled mantel
The reason for the season
My 2nd pencil tree, this one
is 9 ft. tall. I don't have much room
to spare and this fit in real nice!
Oversized mercury glass ornament and
candle votives with a scarf
wrapping it up!
Another oversized ornament
on the coffee table surrounded
with a wreath
On a table sets an arrangement
I put together with an angel
I've had for several years
(remember Bombay- she came from there)
There are two glass angels
sitting in front but the light
reflection makes it hard
to see them.
Another Bombay piece my
nutcracker musical piece.
You wind the red base and they
go by slowly like a carousel
while the music plays.
This sets just behind my sofa
and next to that is another wood
top of more built in cabinets.
This a big lantern that is outfitted
with a tree, some birds and a
Santa ornament.
Last year I had Dan outfit it with a
light. Here is last year's link
to the post I did about it.
The large red ball has battery
operated lights inside it.
(I'm a geek, I like gadgets!
I love to peak in- like I'm out
on a street looking in a store window!
Inside are a pair of cardinals
sitting amongst some snow!
I decorated this with a lot more detail
last year as seen in this link
I kept some things a lot simpler this year.
From my home to yours!
Have yourself a
Merry Christmas
Relax and share some love!
Linking up with Marty
@ A Stroll Thru Life
for Tablescape Tuesdays
with The Nesting Place
for 2011 Christmas Tour of Homes

Posted by
Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz
Bombay Co.
Bronners Christmas Wonderland
Home Goods
Mercury Glass
Pencil Trees
Santos Cage Doll
T.J. Maxx
December 13, 2011
Ruby Reds and Golds
Even though my dining table won't actually be used for dining this season I decided to go ahead and dress it up so I could finish my vision. Don't worry- we'll be sharing great food and visiting with family but at a different home this year!
I got my inspiration and vision for this tablescape a while back when I saw a picture posted from a tour at
Mary Carol's home (Nell Hill's)
(posted by Lynne's Gifts From The Heart)
My main draw was how they mixed up the centerpiece with varying candle holders and the tall vases with the
This is the table as it sits daily This is the table finished and ready for dining! I created the height with the hurricanes and artificial florals and I brought in different candle holders to create a mix of heights and interesting things to look at.
I am a traditionalist at heart and I went goo goo over these simple but elegant dishes by Macy's from their Charter Club group collection. As I've learned they
have different designed pieces they offer at different times of the year for mixing with these.
That's practical, affordable and
smart in my book!
I selected the red-rimmed dinner plates, gold edged salad plates and red-rimmed soup bowls. They also had a set with a traditional holiday design on them but I elected to keep it simple. The chargers are from Michaels
My Wallace, Euro Beads gold flatware got used once again!
I was tickled to find these champagne flutes with the
gold rim and fleur-de-lis design.
Since fleur-de-lis was on my mind I brought out these napkins with the fleur-de-lis embroidered on them.
The tablecloth is from T.J. Maxx
A simple ivory design with gold threaded detail
I still have visions from my childhood when Mom would set up the formal dining table for special events. I guess I got my love for pretty tables a long
time ago!
Reindeer adorn the center of the table and many candles, votives and hurricanes.
The ruby stemware is Mikasa's French Countryside
I do love red!
Maybe next year I'll get a chance to serve up a meal and use my pretty table place settings!
Until then I'll just keep the dream alive!
I wish you all the best at this
Holiday Season
and I hope you all will find some
Peace and Joy!
Have a very
Merry Christmas
Happy Dining!
Please join me and many other
tablescapers over on
Susan's @ Between Naps on the Porch

Posted by
Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz
Lynn's Gifts From The Heart
Macy's Charter Club
Mary Carol's
Nell Hills
Pine boughs
Pottery barn
T.J. Maxx