Happy Halloween everybody!
My mantel acquired a spooky mood
for Halloween
I started out with a fall look using some
of my elements already on the mantel
and then I added some spooky elements
for Halloween...
When I saw these sparkly pumpkins at
T.J.'s I decided to go with them for my
mantel since I tend to decorate a little
more formal I thought they would be easy
enough to incorporate.
A few leaves and candles give it a more
festive look
When Halloween is over I'll remove the
skulls and raven and add a few
pieces for Thanksgiving
It looks great at night...
My more playful side came out this year!
Had fun with some old a new
The dining table has a little bit of
fall and Halloween decorating...
This runner (which I've owned for
at least 10 years) is pretty long
so I put it on an angle
It has these nice black tassels of which
my cats found very interesting almost
immediately! That was another reason
for the angle- keeping them from having
a field day with them while sitting on a chair!
Spider webs and bats
Stacked pumpkins with moss in
cylinder glass pieces
This will carry through Thanksgiving too
with the exception of the runner
A combination of fall picks tucked in with
some fall decorated balls in the top of
my centerpiece
This cabinetry divides the living room
and dining room and I decorate it
like a sideboard...
I fell in love with this frame at a gift shop
and put a printed picture of a witch in it-
but I will soon change it...
She's kind of a witch/scarecrow in a field
Luminaries always set the mood!
In the living room I stacked these gourds,
pumpkins and miniature corn pieces
I added some skulls for Halloween!
Outside on the deck my fall arrangements
greets you (see the turkey feather stuck in
with the flowers?- we have quite a few
that visit our bird feeding station)
Happy Halloween
I've had some fun
with it this year-
I hope you've found a way to enjoy
Halloween this year too !