Well summer is winding down, and I hate to
admit that!
admit that!
I strolled around the yard and snapped
a few pictures.
a few pictures.
This time of year around here it's all about
the hydrangeas!
the hydrangeas!
These Limelights on the left were planted a year ago in the spring and the Endless Summer hydrangeas were planted at least 5 years ago. I cut a bunch of these and gave them to my mother and daughter this past weekend.
The flowering has slowed down on the Endless Summer's and some of the flowers are turning color.
I'm real happy with this new one too called Vienna (Out of the Cityline series)
It's cheerful pink flowers are great and it's low growth habit makes it perfect on the corner like I have it planted.
I also planted a new one last year called Pinky Winky and it's coming along very nicely! As each flower matures they will continue to grow larger and the pink that's at the bottom of the panicle will deepen with color. I'm just tickled that it's doing so well and it keeps it's shape nicely too!
Out front on my little island my 6 year old
Limelight hydrangea has developed really
well. I can't get enough of how pretty they
are. These a very reliable, and you can
trim them back or leave them alone, either
way they do great! None of mine get what
you would call all day sun, but these do get a
fair amount- probably 3 to 4 hours minimum.
The stand of woods by us is on the south side
so we are protected from the hottest part
of the sun.
Limelight hydrangea has developed really
well. I can't get enough of how pretty they
are. These a very reliable, and you can
trim them back or leave them alone, either
way they do great! None of mine get what
you would call all day sun, but these do get a
fair amount- probably 3 to 4 hours minimum.
The stand of woods by us is on the south side
so we are protected from the hottest part
of the sun.
My Russian Sage and Black Eyed Susans are about the last perennials blooming...however I am pleased that my delphinium is making a second showing! I think in a few days the flowers will be opening up!
This Rudbeckia-Hortensia or Golden Glow has been in my possession since I was in my late teens. A neighbor gave me a clump and I've moved it to every place I've lived. It can get as tall as 6 ft. It always seems to get this powdery mildew about the same time it flowers. It's always disappointing to see the mildew but for the most part the plant seems to handle it.
I'll leave you with a few random shots of some annuals that are still hanging in there!
Baby Tears...such a sweet plant...I'm definitely going to bring it in and keep it going through the winter!
My flying pig statue has all but disappeared behind these cosmos...I thought it would be cute with them circled around it, but they got much larger than I anticipated! A few of these are 5 ft. tall now!
And finally my arbor- these morning glories and Sweet Autumn Clematis (neither of which has bloomed yet) have surrounded my little fairy and garden sign...
I'm still enjoying what's left of summer and I hope you are too!
I'm so sorry to see all the peril the East coast has been in after
Hurricane Irene left her mark last weekend.
I hate to admit how darn nice it's been here, but I guess that's how it goes.
I'm linking up with
Fishtail Cottage-Floral Thursdays
Rose Vignettes- Fresh-Cut Fridays