These Cyclamen have been blooming since Christmas when I got them...they are on a 2nd round of flowers and are a welcome sight with this white landscape...
These birds seemed to be staring me down asking for more food!
We had some intense winds a few days ago and it blew all the food out of the feeders... We accommodated them after our coffee...they all seemed appreciative!
This feeder is right outside my sliding back door...the Chickadee and I were mind melding!
My little girl statue stands vigilant out in the winter weather looking like she's dressed with a hat and scarf...waiting as I am for spring!
The squirrels were enjoying our brief melt down last week..we actually saw our driveway for the first time since early December! They are good scavengers..eating any bird seed that falls to the ground!
I stare out here thinking about how it looks in the summer...
Our life seems as though we live like the people in the movie Dr. Zhivago...
I'd prefer something a little greener though!
Which would you prefer?