Have a Happy Halloween Everybody!

(This is a posting I transferred from my other blog from earlier this summer)
This year (2010) I Promised myself to get out and have fun with my backyard garden and to make changes....I've added lots of hostas, relocated some, planted new hydrangeas and lilies. I also added a climbing rose and a clematis to the arbor along with a seasonal dose of morning glories!
My goal was to be thoroughly satisfied with myself for accomplishing what I set out to do and to keep that spirit through the long winter months that will be ahead!
This is looking back at the house...
I moved these pedestals to the entry of the fountain area. The potted impatiens have done really well this year.
Side view from the backyard of the fountain area... I put red impatiens around this year so it would stand out nicely (last year I used soft pink, but they didn't catch your eye as well)...the hostas were all split up and placed around the perimeter last year from plants I already had.
New this year, a goal of mine to successfully grow roses, this is my new Queen Elizabeth (Grandiflora) Rose. I couldn't be happier with it. Not too fussy and produced beautiful flowers!
Creeping Jenny spreads out nicely, fills in all the cracks and the underneath of other plants, but can easily be removed.
I am totally in love with Limelight Hydrangeas...they produce such attractive long lasting flowers..I planted three of these along the edge of my side path that goes out to the birdfeeder.
These morning glories are making a beautiful display...very nice to see every morning! I have had so many great flowers this year with the lilies, peonies, tulips, iris and the annuals I have planted, I am very satisfied with my goals being met in the gardens!
Everyday I go out to see if there is anything new, anything to take care of and to consider anything I should do differently and make changes to. I always have goals, I'm rarely satisfied to leave things alone for long!
(This is a posting from September from my other blog)
This weekend while having my morning coffee I was staring out at my garden area, I suddenly realized I should get out there and take a few pictures.... the morning sun was glimmering through the trees and creating a magical affect....
This has been an outstanding year for my gardens...up north here we never know what kind of summer we will have, but while the south seemed to be blistering with heat we were enjoying a warm and delightful summer season...
This year I have gone overboard on Hydrangeas! A few years ago I was afraid of them and avoided them. After owning a Nikko Blue Hydrangea for many years and it only bloomed a few times I had gotten turned off about them. I got turned back onto them with the variety known as Endless Summer Hydrangeas and my confidence was renewed!
This is how the flower starts out, which is even very pretty at this stage...
Then it plumps right out and looks like this....and as you can see it's a generous size.....The colors vary pinks and blues...I fertilized with Espoma, Holly Tone
My new favorite is the Limelight Hydrangea....this one is 3 years old and I am so delighted as to how well it is growing and blooming....If you notice the lime green tinge to the newer flowers and then it gets whiter, but still has some green, eventually it gets a reddish tone to it....they stay on through the winter....I planted 3 more of them along a path that leads to my bird feeders....
I recently acquired a PeeGee Hydrangea Tree and I am so looking forward to watching it grow. I am told to be aggressive in the spring and cut it back so that the new growth will have the long shoots that will bend over nicely....This picture shows it planted along my pathway, it replaced a Crabapple Tree that wasn't so great looking anymore....
This is closer view of the same PeeGee Hydrangea Tree.....there is some very soft pink in there too but it's visible in this picture. Did you know they create these Hydrangea trees by trimming the shrub as it grows to create the tree form. This is not a grafted tree.... (The blue flower is a morning glory that's growing on my arbor and managed to get in the picture!)
My next newcomer is this Pinky Winky Hydrangea (what a fun name).......
It's has very large panicles- up to 16" I've read. My shrub is not very large, but by next year I expect to see it develop nicely!
This picture is a close up of two levels of the flowers growth...the white is how it starts, then it goes to the pink color...they have firm stalks and paper like feel when they get to the pink stage.
Another newcomber is this Paris, from the Cityline series, a dwarf Hydrangea.
I also have one called a Forever & Ever, Red Hydrangea- soil ph is not supposed to affect it...it's a red flower/fades to purple...mine is not blooming, but here is a stock photo from the internet...
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